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greensburg farmers market

greensburg farmers market









Proposed in the center of the City’s new designated Health Care District is a small jewel aimed to spark interest in projects to come as well as initiate the process with a signature structure setting the standard for future development. A simple shelter focused primarily on the exchange between locally grown produce or baked goods and the neighbors who value these fresh items creates a larger conversation about how a city can work. This dynamic pavilion is formed by the simple way in which it works. As a western gateway into the downtown area of the city, the roof appears to emerge from the ground and launches upward as if to point in the direction of the city center like a carpet of copper. On the opposite side, a portal is sliced into this metal roof to achieve two goals, one to permit light into the deeper booths to make them most desirable rental positions, but also to set up a type anamorphic projection that frames a view of the background, highlighting the property owner and then sponsor of the project. The street view is sparse with only a thin roofline inspired by the moving traffic of West Pittsburgh Street and demonstrating basic architectural elements such as roof, column, and wall as being sufficient for creating space for community interaction. The under-structure is kept taut and smooth to prevent the collection of anything undesirable over the sale of merchandise and food. The venue could be used for many purposes by many interested groups. The design and development process is in its infancy and remains unbuilt.

Client: Greensburg Community Development Corporation / City of Greensburg
Architect: lee CALISTI architecture+design
Digital Renderings: Noah G Shroyer, ARKVIZ